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Mixed Signals is the eleventh episode of the second season of Siren and the twenty-first episode of the series overall. It aired on June 27, 2019.


Maddie and Ben contend with how to help Ryn knowing that in order to help Elaine get better, they will need to continue the procedures on Ryn. Meanwhile, when one of the group gets sirened, there is more drive than ever to get to the bottom of how the siren song really works—further piquing the interest of the military in how Ryn can be of use to them.[2]



Guest Starring[]


  • Donny Lucas as Dr. Reed
  • Shawn Ahmed as Naval Lab Tech Dawson
  • Shayla Stonechild as Daphne (Helen's Mom)
  • Dayleigh Nelson as Helen's Father
  • Jaren Moore as Father (Hunter)
  • Nikolas Dukic as Son (Hunter)


  • The title is also Episode 28 from Generator Rex.
  • We witness Maddie becoming enchanted by the Siren Song, though it affects her differently and is less strong than for Ben.
    • This confirms that a female human can fall under the soothing influence of the siren song, but is affected differently than men are.
  • Maddie admits that she, Ben and Ryn are in a polyarmorous relationship, though under the lingering influence of the siren song.


Ben: "We did this to her. The stem cell extraction- it caused Ryn to some kind of reaction."
Maddie: "Her cortisol spiked. Maybe some kind of defensive response."
Xander: "You back someone into a corner, they're gonna react."
Nicole: "You should have told me sooner!"
Maddie: "We thought we had it under control."
Nicole: "Clearly you didn't. I have to alert my CEO."
Ben: "You should think about that."
Nicole: "What's to think about? She's dangerous and on the loose!"
―Ben, Maddie and Nicole about Ryn on the loose

Ben: "Are you sure you're up for entertaining right now, Mom?"
Elaine: "Every day feels better than the last."
Ben: "I'll see what we can do. But the timing right now-"
Elaine: "Everything, Ben. If I've learned anything, it's that time is not something I can take for granted anymore. All of us could use a fresh start."
―Elaine doesn't want to take time for granted.

Ryn: "Like TV but not."
Helen: "This is called film. Those are my parents. These are the only images I have of them together. That bun in the oven- that's me. My father died a few weeks before I was born."
Ryn: "How did Helen's father die?"
Helen: "Brain aneurysm. At least that's what I was led to believe."
Ben: "What do you mean?"
Helen: "That's why I asked you to come over. We have a lot to catch up on."
Ben: "We couldn't agree more."
―Helen to Ryn and Ben about her parents

Ryn: "There are more people like Helen? More family?"
Helen: "Much more. But-"
Ben: "Do you think they're dangerous?"
Helen: "I can't be sure. The old man told me what happened to my parents wasn't right. I just knew what wasn't right about it."
Maddie: "What do you think they want?"
Helen: "As far as I can tell, to know that they're secret is safe. To protect themselves from the outside world."
Maddie: "Secrecy hasn't been a problem for us."
―Helen reveals there are more hybrids like her.


