- A Voice in the Dark
- Admiral Harrison
- Aftermath
- Aldon Decker
- Alex Roe
- Alexandra Latysheva
- Alexei
- All In
- Andreas Persson
- Andrew Jenkins
- Annie Brennan
- Anthony Harrison
- Aryeh-Or
- Aylya Marzolf
- Being Human
- Ben Pownall
- Beth Marzdan
- Borders
- Boris
- Brad Luff
- Brendan Fletcher
- Bristol Cove
- Bryan
- Caleb Pownall
- Calvin Lee
- Cami
- Captain Calvin's Mermaid Adventure Tours
- Caroline Cave
- Carson Pfahl
- Chad Rook
- Charles Pownall
- Chris Mueller
- Christopher Rosamond
- Commander Anderson
- Curse of the Starving Class
- Curtis Lum
- Dale Bishop
- Daniel Cudmore
- Daphne Hawkins
- David Cubitt
- David Kaye
- David Kyle
- Dead in the Water
- Dean White
- Deniz Akdeniz
- Distress Call
- Donna
- Doug Pownall
- Dr. Abbott
- Echo Chamber
- Elaine Pownall
- Elderly Mermaid
- Eline Powell
- Eliza
- Emily Whitesell
- Entrapment
- Eric Wald
- Fola Evans-Akingbola
- Freeform
- Garcelle Beauvais
- Geoffrey O'Brien
- Georgia Waters
- Gil Birmingham
- Glen Jenkins
- Hanna Goodman
- Hannah Levien
- Helen's Antiquities
- Helen Hawkins
- Hope
- Hugo Ateo
- Hunter
- Hybrid
- Ian Sobel
- Ian Sutton
- Ian Verdun
- Interview With a Mermaid
- Janine
- Jerry
- Jill Teed
- John
- Kaaren de Zilva
- Katie Keough
- Katrina
- Kiomi Pyke
- Laura Webb
- Leena
- Leverage
- Levi
- Life and Death
- Maddie Bishop
- Marine Research Center
- Marissa Staub
- Mateo
- Megan Danso
- Meredith
- Merfolk
- Merpeople Graveyard
- Millan Tesfazgi
- Mixed Signals
- Mommy and Me
- Mr. Hawkins
- Natalee Linez
- Nate Hopper
- Natural Order
- New World Order
- Nick Copus
- Nicole Martinez
- No North Star
- North Star
- Northern Exposure
- Oil & Water
- On the Road
- Patti McClure
- Pownall Seafood
- Primal Instincts
- R.D. Robb
- Rena Owen
- Revelations
- Rick Marzdan
- Robb Wellens
- Ron Yuan
- Ryn Fisher
- Sacrifice
- Sarah-Jane Redmond
- Sarge
- Scott Stewart
- Sean McClure
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3
- Sedale Threatt Jr.
- Serenity
- Showdown
- Sibongile Mlambo
- Silver Eyes
- Siren
- Siren (TV Series)
- Siren Song
- Siren War
- Siren Wiki
- Sisse Marie
- Siyun Yi
- Street Fight
- Survivor
- Susan Bishop
- Sylvia
- Tamar Ouziel
- Tammy Gillis
- Ted Pownall
- Ted Pownall's Grandmother
- The Anchor
- The Arrival
- The Ga'anda
- The Island
- The Last Mermaid
- The Lure
- The Mermaid Discovery
- The Outpost
- The Toll of the Sea
- The Wolf at the Door
- Tia
- Tia's Tribe
- Tiffany Lonsdale
- Til Death Do Us Part
- Todd Harris
- Triton
- Vicki
- Viv
- Warren
- Xander McClure
- Yura

Siren Official Wiki
Official wiki