Leena is a a supporting character on Freeform's series, Siren. She is portrayed by Kaaren de Zilva.
Leena is the experienced doctor of the mermaid/human hybrids to successfully deliver more merpeople/human hybrids in the world without discovery.
It is ultimately revealed that she, along with her cunning husband Bryan, had been secretly attempting to get their daughter Meredith pregnant in order to conceive a full-blooded merman or mermaid child of their "own".
Leena confessed to Ryn that her baby is alive and inside of her daughter, Ryn and her niece Cami rushed to Leena's house to get her baby back, she uses the power of heal to calm the baby down while Cami, who had been stationed outside in the bathroom, killed Bryan. Her daughter later died after giving birth to Ryn's daughter.
Although Leena appears to be a kind and caring woman towards Ryn, it's later revealed that she along with her husband are not above kidnapping.
Ryn's surviving embryo and implanting it in their daughter so they can have a full-blood of their very "own". The reason why they want a full-blood merfolk to raise is currently unknown.
Feeling guilty, Leena confessed to Ryn that her baby is alive and inside of her daughter, Ryn and her niece Cami rushed to Leena's house to get her baby back, she uses the power of heal to calm the baby down. While, Cami killed Bryan in Revenge.
Season 2[]
Season 3[]
- She the first female doctor to appear in the show
- Her mermaid ancestry is unclear, as are many in the Hybrid Group.
- She reveals that the real reason for taking Ryn's baby was for Bryan's group to worship it after it was born.
“ | I implanted the first embryo in you. She'll receive the second. | ” |
— Leena to Meredith[src] |
“ | There's a lot we don't know. I'm seeing accelerated development beyond that of a human fetus, but the heartbeat is strong. It's a positive sign. | ” |
— Leena to Ryn, Ben and Maddie |